"For each judge an apprentice"

social and technical technologies combined. Cyberprocess. ASSIS


  • Sebastião Tavares-Pereira


Machine learning AI has definitely gained the conditions to be used, in practical and effective terms, to support judicial decision-making. Correct and legal modeling is the secret. “For every judge an apprentice/learner” respects the constitution and the law. Some are thinking about replacing the judges, others just about giving support. Whether in the Anglo-Saxon system or in continental Europe system, there are universalizable ideas and concerns. Niklas Luhmann's observer theory is a valid guide for thinking about the configuration/development of models for the task that respect the normative order. With an inductive method and a legal-technological analysis, I point out relevant aspects to be taken into account by technologists - when designing models - and by jurists - to authorize the use of the proposed models.

Author Biography

Sebastião Tavares-Pereira

Mestre em Ciência Jurídica pela Universidade do Vale do Itajaí, Brasil, Juiz Aposentado do Tribunal Regional do Trabalho da 12ª Região, Santa Catarina, stavarespereira@gmail.com.

