Introduction to the special issue on legal XML and online dispute resolution (ODR): a necessary turn in Law and Technology

  • Pompeu Casanovas Autonomous University of Barcelona Melbourne Institute of Technology
  • Immaculada Barral Viñals University of Barcelona
Palavras-chave: Semantic Web, e-Governance, Online Dispute Resolution (ODR), Relational law, Privacy by design (PbD), Crowdsourcing, Linked Open Data.


This is the introductory article to the Special Issue of Democracia Digital e Governo Eletrônico 10 (2014/1) on Legal XML and Online Dispute Resolution (ODR). We introduce the twenty articles of the edition. We have divided it into three different parts, considering the level of generality, scope, and specificity: (i) Law, Governance and Technology; (ii) Legal XML in context; (iii) Crowdsourcing and Online Dispute Resolution (RDL, Online Dispute Resolution). In this introduction we describe how recent developments of Web 2.0 (Social Web) and Web 3.0 (Semantic Web) shape new scenarios through regulatory frameworks that cross multiple jurisdictions, and point at a plural and fragmented global law.