Evolution of crowdsourcing: potential data protection, privacy and security concerns under the new media age

  • Buddhadeb Halder
Palavras-chave: Crowdsourcing, Definition and Evolution, Typology, Security, Privacy, Ethical and Legal Aspects, New Media Age.


Over the last few years, crowdsourcing have expanded rapidly allowing citizens to connect with each other, governments to connect with common mass, to coordinate disaster response work, to map political conflicts, acquiring information quickly and participating in issues that affect day-to-day life of citizens. This paper aims to provide a basic understanding on crowdsourcing, while it illustrates the use of different types and methods, advantages and disadvantages of crowdsourcing. This paper also provides a brief analysis on potential Data Protection, Privacy and Security concerns under the New Media Age. Lastly, this paper proposes future works to avoid some disadvantages of crowdsourcing process and to protect data, privacy and security of end users.
Mediación, ODR y Crowdsourcing (Mediation, ODR and Crowdsourcing)